Nogales High School

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Mother mouse was crossing the street with her three little children. She got halfway across the road when she spotted a cat crouched and ready to pounce upon them. The cat and mother mouse eyeballed each other for a few minutes. Finally mother mouse opened her mouth and let out an enormous “WOOF.” The cat scurried away. Mother mouse turned to her three little ones and said, “Now, do you see the advantage of knowing another language?” 

«Si vous parlez à un homme dans une langue qu'il comprend, vous parlez à sa tête.  Si vous lui parlez dans la langue, vous parlez à son cœur»
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.  If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart." --Nelson Mandela
«Tu dois connaître au moins trois langues...penser et rêver en trois langues...»
"You should know at least three languages...think and dream in at least three languages..." Bedri Rahmi
«Avoir une autre langue, c'est posséder une deuxième âme»
"To have another language is to possess a second soul." --Charlemagne
«Connaître une langue trace la voie de votre vie. En connaître deux vous ouvre toutes les portes en chemin»
"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." Frank Smith  
«Chaque enfant devrait parler plus d’une langue»
“We should have every child speaking more than one language.”  Barack Obama