Nogales High School

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Superintendent Video Message Regarding Opening of 2020/2021 School Year

RUSD Parent Message
Please see parent letters in ENGLISH, SPANISH, CHINESE and KOREAN below AND
RUSD Virtual Classroom Schedule TK -12

July 31, 2020

 Dear Rowland Families,   

I hope this email finds you and your family doing well and staying healthy. We are excited to welcome back our students for the 2020-2021 school year on Monday, August 10! As you know, we are opening this year in an all virtual classroom model, with all students learning remotely.  I want to assure you that you can count on us to keep you informed, address your concerns, and ensure that your child has the tools necessary to be successful, no matter the learning platform.  


In the Virtual Classroom you will see daily live interaction with your child’s teacher and classmates, as well as detailed lessons planned for your child to participate in, when not participating in live instruction.  

  • The schedule will closely mirror a traditional school day and will require students to engage in daily live instruction, through technology, with the full class, small group and individual as determined by the teacher. Students are required to be in a setting that allows for learning, free from as many distractions as possible, and be dressed and ready for school. (Please refer to daily schedule attached). 
  • Daily attendance is required. 
  • Student assessment of progress will be graded and recorded by the teacher. 
  • Wednesdays will be a student online learning day, with a brief live check in and the remainder of the day allocated for teachers to plan for, provide feedback to students and communicate with parents/students. 
  • Virtual platforms of SeeSaw, Google Classroom and Zoom will be used systemically in grades K-12 with some modifications based on grade levels. 


Information regarding the distribution of schedules, textbooks, and devices varies by site and can be found on each of the schools’ websites.  Please visit your school’s website for more information and contact your site administrator if you have any questions. 

We are looking forward to continuing the strong partnership with you to support our students to help them achieve at their highest potential. We understand that this start of the school year is like no other and the stress that the pandemic is having on all of us is challenging. As a school district, we appreciate all that you are doing to support us and your child’s education. 

We want to reassure you that we are here to help and support you in any way we can. Please continue to reach out to your school site with any further questions you may have.

With Gratitude,

Julie Mitchell, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools